intern-arc 0.1.0

An interner that deallocates unused values

Library for interning based on stdlib Arc

The design of the hash-based half is taken from the arc-interner crate, with the addition of another half based on BTreeMap. Local benchmarks have shown that hashing is faster for objects below 1kB while tree traversal and comparisons are faster above 1kB (very roughly and broadly speaking).

The main functions exist in three variants:

  • intern_hash and friends for when you want to use hashing (or have no Ord instance at hand)
  • intern_tree and friends for when you want to use tree map (or have no Hash instance at hand)
  • intern and friends to automatically choose based on object size

Within each of these classes, four function exist to ingest data in various forms:

use std::sync::Arc;
use intern_arc::{intern, intern_unsized, intern_boxed, intern_arc};

// for sized types
let a1: Arc<String> = intern("hello".to_owned());

// for unsized non-owned types
let a2: Arc<str> = intern_unsized("hello");

// for unsized owned types
let a3: Arc<str> = intern_boxed(Box::<str>::from("hello"));

// for types with shared ownership
let a4: Arc<str> = intern_arc(Arc::<str>::from("hello"));


This library offers some utilities for checking how well it works for a given use-case:

use std::sync::Arc;
use intern_arc::{inspect_hash, num_objects_interned_hash, types_interned};

println!("str: {} objects", num_objects_interned_hash::<str>());

let (hash, tree) = types_interned();
println!("types interned: {} with hashing, {} with trees", hash, tree);

inspect_hash::<[u8], _, _>(|iter| {
    for arc in iter {
        println!("{} x {:?}", Arc::strong_count(&arc), arc);

All function exist also with tree suffix instead of hash.